take a look at a concrete example of how this process would unfold. If
global surface temperatures increase (as projected to approximately +2'C
by mid-century), the dense leaf content in tropical zones will contain
more fiber and less protein. For those primates relying on digesting
protein, the quantity needed would increase as well as the time required
to digest (energy availability). Additionally, hotter temperatures
would result in other behavior changes, such as primates descending from
the upper tree canopy to cool off. The impact of more resting could be
far reaching, as primates would be spending time away from mating,
territory protection, and other activities, as well as be more exposed
to predation. Finally, human interactions at the edges of tropical areas
would increase as human resources would also increase in demand. These
interactions often lead to poaching and other populate depleting
A report in 2007 from the Primate Specialist Group of IUCN's Species Survival Commission (SCC) found
that 29% of the world's primates are in danger of becoming extinct from
global warming threats. More recent research from Penn State
has shown that El Nino events significantly affected the abundance of
several species of primates in South America, a direct link between
warmer temperatures, weather, food availability, and primate
populations. We all must become educated on the incredible impacts of
global warming and be advocates for change in our professional
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