Response to the blog: 12/reciprocal-altruism/
Researchers continue to try to understand
Reciprocal altruism/reciprocal altruism in nature. Altruism
in nature is typically defined as an unselfish act that benefits
another (non-kin). This concept, as it manifests itself nature seems
very strange, based on the foundations of Darwinian evolution—that any
trait to share or benefit another (non-kin) at one's expense is not
likely to survive multiple generations. However, reciprocal
altruism can be more complicated because some benefit may come back to
the initiating participant, with ultimate advantages for both
participants. In this blog, I will respond to a blog post that explores
the question of reciprocal altruism in primates (see link above).
The blog post does a nice job of introducing the concept of reciprocal altruism. Indeed, the Trivers work,
The Evolution of Reciprocal Altruism, suggests that the participants must have the ability to remember one
another (primates have exceptional longer-term memory) and the cost of
giving (time spent grooming, food shared, etc) must be outweighed by the
reciprocated benefit (coalition support, food sharing, etc). The blog
post provides two specific examples from vervet monkeys and male
chimpanzees, and includes a short video of this type of behavior (The Video).
Interestingly, reciprocal altruism has been explored across many
species including various insects, bees, birds, etc. Despite the
high-level overview from,
there are some additional research perspectives and context that help
to frame the discussion. One such insight is that the reciprocal
altruism tends to occur between "high-ranking" individuals. This is
important because it means that this relationship dynamic is even less
"altruistic" if primates lower down the pecking order do not have access
to such opportunities. Additionally, evidence has shown that the level
of reciprocity is quite equal (think banana for banana), but there can
be variation for reciprocating up the ladder to a "high ranking"
individual. Finally, data analysis has revealed the complexity and range
of these altruistic acts, from grooming, food-sharing, and fighting
coalitions. This evidence is important because it means that higher
forms of altruism existed prior to the development human-like cognitive
abilities. So, keep how far humans have evolved in context the next time
you lend someone your metrocard or donate money to a cause!
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