The evolution and biological iteration of the primate is one of
the most fascinating aspects of the historical "timeline of life". For a
non-biologist/anthropologist, primate evolution may appear quite
complicated and interconnected. In this blog, I will break down this
complex process into some simple milestones and explain how we arrived
at the species of monkeys that currently roam our world.
The very first class of creatures to resemble a primate was the
Euarchonta, an early class of mammal that appeared around 70 million
years ago (mya). This half-squirrel, half-primate was tree-living with
claws and forward facing eyes (located on both sides of its head). The
next milestone for primate evolution occurred around 40 million years ago, during which
the early proto-primates split up into two groups with distinct and
emerging characteristics, the Strepsirrhini (wet-nosed) and Haplorrhini
(dry-nosed) primates. The Strepsirrhini developed into lemurs and
lorises, some of the smaller-bodied, rodent-like, truly tree-dwelling
primates. However, the Haplorrhini as a group diverged again about 10
million years later into what we now call "New World monkeys" and "Old
World monkeys".
New World and Old World monkeys spent the next 20 million or so
years further evolving and defining themselves (through a process
called speciation), but their key and differentiating characteristics
remain the same today. New World monkeys feature a flat nose, longer
prehensile tails (a functional tail used for tree-swinging), small to
mid-sized bodies, and live in the tropical canopy of Central and South
America. Some of these primates include the spider monkey, sakis,
marmosets, and tamarins. In contrast, Old World monkeys are probably the
ones you pay close attention to at your local zoo. These primates
feature a downward-facing nose, mid to large-sized bodies,
non-prehensile tails, anywhere from partial tree-dweller to
land-dweller, and live in a range of habitats across Africa and Asia.
Some of these primates include baboons, gorillas, and macaques. These
primates survived quite well and developed into the human era around 7 million years ago.
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